
Policy Paper | March 2015

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) made significant progress in 2014. By the end of the year, donor governments had committed an initial US$10.2 billion. Half of this sum will be devoted to adaptation, making the GCF the biggest multilateral adaptation finance institution in the world. The GCF’s first decisions on use of the funds are due to be taken… >>>

March 2015, Bonn (Germany)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing. Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please note… >>>

Report | December 2014

Governments discuss and negotiate common goals around the causes and consequences of climate change under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Since 1992, industrialised countries have pledged new and additional funding to developing countries to help them meet their climate-related obligations, as stipulated by… >>>

Policy Paper | December 2014

A new briefing by the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) highlights the key climate finance issues on the agenda of the Conference of the Parties (COP) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) at their meeting in Lima Peru in December 2014. The CFAS Guide:… >>>

October 2014, Bridgetown (Barbados)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing.
Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please… >>>

October 2014, Bonn (Germany)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing.
Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please… >>>

October 2014, Bonn (Germany)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing. Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please note… >>>

June 2014, Bonn (Germany)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing. Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please note… >>>

May 2014, Songdo (Republic of Korea)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing.
Produced at key meetings and  negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place during each day of discussions and substantive points of action or progress.  Please note that… >>>

March 2014, Bonn (Germany)

This is the Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) Daily Briefing.
Produced at key meetings and negotiations by the CFAS expert team, the Daily Briefings try to provide a concise, informative update on key discussions that have taken place at each day of the meeting and give an overview of substantive points of action or progress. Please… >>>