At COP21, the tables 7, 7a and 7b were adjusted based on insights gained in terms of a common understanding on key terminology for reporting financial information. From 2020 onwards, once the Paris Agreement is under implementation, a new CTF format will be finalized in accordance with new reporting provisions (see Figure 1). Based on a broader set of information to be monitored, the CTF will be submitted alongside the newly developed Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). As the MRV provisions for the Paris Agreement, going by the name of Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), will no longer strictly separate between Annex I and Non-Annex I Parties, developing countries could also use the CTF more rigorously to report information.
Continuing the commitment to this reporting format will play an important role in ensuring consistence in reporting as well as comparability. Until COP26, a draft version of the new CTF format will be developed and put forward for a decision by the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA). The CTF development process is also related to further negotiation streams going on, for example on the determination of needs of developing country Parties.
This Policy Brief aims at outlining the current discussion about the review of the CTF, with a focus on financial, technological and capacity building support provided, received and needed. It will summarize existing views from UNFCCC Parties and beyond on the matter and provide recommendations for negotiators for issues under debate and negotiations until COP26.