Webinar | 25th of October 2017 | 2pm CET

WEBINAR: Transparency of support received

The Paris Agreement provides specific mandates to improve the reporting of climate finance information in its Article 9 and 13. While so far a strong emphasis has been put on MRV of support provided and mobilized, "MRV of support received" will also play an important role in a robust MRV system, as a way to strengthen a bottom up approach where recipient countries play a major role. But what are current processes under the UNFCCC? What global initiatives are ongoing in the context of MRV of support received? What advantages and challenges would MRV of support received entail? What are some country experiences?

These and more questions will be discussed by different organizations and climate finance experts. The goal is to give an overview of the concept behind establishing a system of MRV of support received and elaborating recommendations for the climate negotiations at the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC to be hold in Bonn, Germany.

2pm CET

Mr. David Ryfisch, GIZ
Ms. Sandra Guzman, GFLAC
Mr. Björn Dransfeld, the greenwerk
Ms. Lorena Gozaléz, AILAC

David Eckstein, Germanwatch

Registration and Contact
Paula Schäfer (krium@germanwatch.org)