IESR - Institute for Essential Services Reform

Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) is a local NGO based in Jakarta, Indonesia, that is designed to shape as a Think Tank for civil society, to support those who actively inspire, push, and support changes towards a just utilization of natural resources to support human development. IESR activities cover policy advocacy, public campaigns, action research and development, as well as capacity building for the civil society.


Henriette Imelda


Henriette Imelda works in Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) as Senior Officer on Climate Change and Energy. She graduated from Twente University, The Netherlands, entitled Professional Doctor in Engineering majoring Chemical Engineering in 2005. She had master degree from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, and Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, both in Chemical Engineering.

Before she joined IESR, Imelda worked for an NGO called Pelangi Indonesia for 3 years in the area of Climate Change Mitigation, in particular in carbon trading issues (CDM and Voluntary Market). During her time in Pelangi she conducted a study on community based Climate Change Mitigation using renewable energy (microhydro) and energy efficiency (improved cook stoves) as a part of SSN Project (South South North – an NGO network engaging six countries: Brazil, Indonesia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, South Africa and Tanzania). In 2004 – 2005, she worked as research assistant for Shell International Chemical, conducting a research on CO2 removal unit for Shell’s Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycol plant.