"Observing, Analysing, Acting.” This is the motto of Germanwatch – an independent development and environmental organisation lobbying for sustainable global development. Since 1991 Germanwatch has been actively promoting North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods. The global consequences of the politics and economics of the North stand at the centre of its work. While the situation of marginalised people in the South form the starting point for Germanwatch’s engagement for sustainable development. Germanwatch endeavours to approach its aims by advocating fair trade relations, responsible financial markets, compliance with human rights, and the prevention of dangerous climate change. With creativity and strategic vision, Germanwatch intends to steadily approach its goals.
Germanwatch is active with various projects. E.g. Saúl Luciano Lliuya is supported with his lawsuit against the power company RWE.
Germanwatch is represented by Lutz Weischer, Teamleader for International Climate Policy and David Eckstein, Policy Advisor for Climate Finance.
Lutz Weischer
Lutz' area of work includes renewable energies, climate finance, climate policy and transformative partnerships. He has been participating as an observer at UNFCCC climate change negotiations since 2008, as well as meetings of the GCF Board.
He holds a Master in International Affairs from Sciences Po Paris and a Diploma in Political Studies from FU Berlin. He speaks German, English and French.
David Eckstein
David joined Germanwatch in 2013 and has been focussing on international climate finance since the UNFCCC climate change conference in Doha. He has been participating as an observer at meetings of the Board of the GCF and AF, as well as sessions of the SCF since 2013.
He holds a Diploma in Political Economy from the University of Bonn. He speaks German, English and Spanish.